October 13, 2023
One Step at a Time
Oh, how we like to know the details—where we’re going, which path we’ll take, when we’ll get there, and exactly what “there” is.
Read more..Oh, how we like to know the details—where we’re going, which path we’ll take, when we’ll get there, and exactly what “there” is.
Read more..We are living in complicated times, and the daily news is filled with all kinds of problems facing the world but when we are anchored to remembering the good deeds of the Lord,
Read more..Who we are in God is more important than who we are to anyone else in this world. We are His chosen people, and we are His very own.
Read more..“Your words were found, and I ate them, And Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart;
Read more.."I wish I had great faith." These are words that almost every Christian has said at one time or another. But faith is like a muscle, which must be exercised in order to become strong; just wishing cannot make it happen.
Read more..God has us on parade. Part of our mission is consciously telling people about Christ. Another part of it is unconsciously telling people about Christ.
Read more..Think for a moment about the people you influence. The ones you meet at your local coffee shop, the grocery store, clothing store and online, as well as your neighbors, coworkers, church and family.
Read more..O Lord, please give me Your wisdom as I do the “whatever” today. Would You help thanksgiving to rise up within me? Thank You that I do not need to be tossed about by the dramatic nor the mundane things going on around me.
Read more..God promises to never leave you or forsake you, no matter where your journey takes you.
Read more..Thanks to the Holy Spirit who lives within me, my requests are brought to God. When I don’t know how to pray, the Holy Spirit intercedes with moans and groans on my behalf.
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