May 11, 2023
Lifted Up
Why are you cast down today? God gives us hope. We can cling to it. Hold on and believe it.
Read more..Why are you cast down today? God gives us hope. We can cling to it. Hold on and believe it.
Read more..A hunger for the heavenly Father doesn’t ordinarily appear all of a sudden, fully matured, in one’s heart. Most of the time, it’s something that must be cultivated, and the best place to begin is the Bible. That’s where we listen to the Lord as He speaks to us in His Word.
Read more..Imagine if a baby bird decided he would rather fend for himself. How far would he make it from the nest? How soon would he require the sustaining influence of his mother’s care again?
Read more..“Be Kind and compassionate one to another”, the Bible tells us. Why not today? It doesn’t have to be a meal—it could be a smile, opening the door for someone, or offering to baby sit, weed someone’s garden—
Read more..“It is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8-
Read more..A Prayer for Troubled Times. Father, We are sad, Father. And so we come to you. We don’t ask you for help; we beg you for it.
Read more..What difficult experience do you find yourself in right now? What are you dreading? Can you visualize Jesus in that situation?
Read more..Have you ever been caught up in any web of impatience? God is a God of time and order. He requires us to uphold that very important Christian virtue – patience.
Read more..What feels to us like slowness in fulfilling his promise is actually an unimaginable long-suffering on his part, motivated by his love. He feels the weight of evil and injustice (see Genesis 6:5-6), yet he bears it for the sake of all who will turn to him.
Read more..In short, you have no burden, no problem, no need that is too big for our Lord to handle. “Ye receive not, because ye ask not,”
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