May 5, 2023
Nothing You Cannot Do
In short, you have no burden, no problem, no need that is too big for our Lord to handle. “Ye receive not, because ye ask not,”
Read more..In short, you have no burden, no problem, no need that is too big for our Lord to handle. “Ye receive not, because ye ask not,”
Read more..Guarding our thoughts, being sober-minded, and meditating on eternal truth will produce a transformation the Bible calls the “renewing of the mind.” (Romans 12:2)
Read more..Even Christians with dedicated “world vision” grow weary of the world’s needs. We quickly turn the magazine pages so as not to gaze too long on the sad face of yet another child with a cleft lip.
Read more..Devotional: God is Always in Control. As believers, we must accept that God won’t always make sense to us. Isaiah teaches that His ways and thoughts are higher than our own (Isaiah 55:9). He sees the beautifully completed big picture.
Read more..I would like to suggest several reasons why I believe praising God so important in the life of the believer.
Read more..God calls us to openly acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Messiah. The apostles rejoiced because their disgrace came from being aligned with Jesus.
Read more..The truth of the gospel is this: there is more to life than what we are facing, suffering or rejoicing in right now.
Read more..“God has planted eternity in the hearts of men.” Ecclesiastes 3:10, TLB You will never be completely happy on earth, simply because you were not made for earth.
Read more..Thank You, Father, for your assurance that those who seek You will also find You. Isaiah 45:19 “Those who seek Me diligently will find Me.”
Read more..Discerning what is BEST leads to fruitful living that pleases God. The instruction is specific.
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