December 7, 2019
Christmas Time. Family Time?
Christmas is about Hope. Hope is best shared with family even amidst broken family gatherings. Make the most of your Christmas gatherings.
Read more..Christmas is about Hope. Hope is best shared with family even amidst broken family gatherings. Make the most of your Christmas gatherings.
Read more..Mary lived an ordinary life in a small town in northern Israel. She lived her life in relative obscurity, yet the world has celebrated her obedience to God for over two thousand years.
Read more..I lose sight of that sometimes. In the midst of an ordinary day I forget that I have this incredible hope. When I feel weak, forgotten, worn out or left behind it’s often because I’ve taken my eyes off of the hope that Jesus bought for me on the cross.
Read more..Sometimes people avoid Christ’s offer of salvation because they feel they’ve messed up so badly that their sins are unforgivable. Perhaps that’s how John Newton, a former slave trader, felt before he experienced God’s mercy and penned this line from his famous hymn: “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.”
Read more..Lord, I trust in You. I believe in You. I hope in You. You are my confidence, my assurance. I lean upon You, for You are my Rock; I depend upon You, for You are my Provider;
Read more..Be happy, be praying, be thankful, this is the will of God for us. “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Read more..Jesus says the merciful are shown mercy. Forgiving others allows us to see how God has forgiven us. The dynamic of giving grace is the key to understanding grace. For it is when we forgive others, that we begin to feel what God feels.
Read more.."Let your gentle spirit be made known to all men.” Philippians 4:5 We live in a society that is filled with hurting people, many of whom go unnoticed...
Read more..Think of it! Christ’s forgiveness is so great and compassionate that He will not allow anything or anyone to condemn us or separate us from His supernatural love.
Read more..When We Dare to Let God be For Us: Dare to let God be for you all He has said He will be. Faith that rests will watch God work. Every time.
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