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Tag: grace

December 29, 2023

God is Good All the Time

God’s goodness is the same on bad days as it is on good days. People who attest to God’s goodness in their lives do not experience an absence of trouble but rather have a keen awareness of God’s presence in every situation.

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December 29, 2023

God is Thinking about You

I realized that God loves me so much that He is thinking about me all the time. He loves me more than I love that little granddaughter. Could anything be more wonderful than having the King of Kings love me that much? Could anything be more wonderful than the King of Kings love YOU that much? I can't help but say, "Hallelujah!"

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December 26, 2023

Lord, Make Me Like That

Lord, Make Me Like That. Like a tree planted by a river, finding a constant source of life and nourishment. Like a tree spreading out its roots to that source, reaching for that which will make it strong.

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December 23, 2023

Mary’s First Trimester

In our rush toward Christmas and the miracle of Bethlehem, we often ignore the humanness of Mary.

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December 23, 2023

Let Us Go to Bethlehem

Christmas time is a season when many people are more interested in the present than the past. But, it is the past that Christmas is all about. It started over two millenniums ago with a baby in a manger when God became incarnate in man.

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December 22, 2023

Christmas Abundance

I will never forget my first Christmas as a follower of Christ. I was thousands of miles from home, grieving my mother’s passing, battling my addictions, flat broke, and almost out of hope.

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December 22, 2023


God knows our own hearts get nicked and scraped and stained by the weariness of life at times. We carry on and do our best. We bolster our courage and find the good. Yet we get tired, and our souls can get dry and parched.

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December 21, 2023

“Dat Baby Jesus – He Makes me Laugh”

“Would you mind telling me why you’re so happy?” “Sho,” she said. “Christmas is coming and dat baby Jesus---He make me laugh. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure.” Psalm 16:8-9

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December 21, 2023

The Best is Yet to Be

In Matthew 1:23 God called himself Immanuel, which means God with us. Not just God made us,

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December 20, 2023

God is With Us

Each December, during the deepest darkness of the longest nights, God sends us His message year after year: “I am with you.” He is with us in the Light that has come into the world, His Son, Jesus. His Spirit dwells inside each and every believer.

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