July 17, 2019
God and Comfort
Just close your eyes and imagine that God too has a message board in Heaven and on it each day He writes that His goal for the day is to make you and me as comfortable as possible.
Read more..Just close your eyes and imagine that God too has a message board in Heaven and on it each day He writes that His goal for the day is to make you and me as comfortable as possible.
Read more..What is wisdom and how do we get it? Why do we need wisdom? What are the characteristics of a wise person? How will my life benefit from wisdom?
Read more..Sit for a moment and repeat that great truth. Let it soak into your being. “You are God my Savior, and my hope is in You all day long!”
Read more..God does not describe us by our failures…or our successes—and that’s freeing because God’s love is not dependent on what we do, or fail to do. We are loved by God, not because we are perfect, but because we are His.
Read more..Are you defined by God’s grace? Your deeds don’t save you. Your deeds don’t keep you saved. Grace does. Paul said, “By the grace of God I am what I am.”
Read more..Believing and accepting that you are loved by the Father will in turn affect your feelings for Him. Commit to knowing Him more intimately and accurately through His Word, and your affection for Him will begin to grow.
Read more..Without forgiveness, bitterness is all that is left. “The LORD hates what evil people do, but he loves those who do what is right.” Proverbs 15:9
Read more.."Thank you, God, that you comfort me through your Word. When my heart longs to have my son again, You comfort me I am so, so grateful."
Read more..A deep need within every person is the need to belong. We are made for
Read more..If we are willing vessels, day by day we will reflect the glory of our Lord.
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