August 24, 2017
To every child of God today… For a little while Just let it soak in
Read more..To every child of God today… For a little while Just let it soak in
Read more..I just don't see God as doling out ease and contentment. His business lies more in the areas of refining and shaping us to conform more to the image of Christ, and none of that comes easy.
Read more..Time and time again in scripture we see how God chose the ones least likely to succeed. He chose the youngest, the ones with bad reputations, and the ones with physical limitations. In Gideon, he chose a very fearful man to lead an army.
Read more..God moves us forward by healing our past! Can he really? Can God heal this
Read more..Do you find yourself struggling with your faith? Paul tells us in our scripture reference not to throw away our confident trust in the Lord. Confident trust is the belief that something will happen based on God’s character. Again, He does not falter on His promises.
Read more..God is asking his children to do hard things, to make difficult choices, to sacrifice so that the world will know the love of the Father! What is God asking you to do? Continue reading...
Read more..A Devotional on seeking justice: Deep within us resides a longing for justice. We want evil punished and good rewarded.
Read more..God’s people have their trials. It was never designed by God, when He chose His people, that they should be an untried people. They were chosen in the furnace of affliction; they were never chosen to worldly peace and earthly joy.
Read more..“I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to
Read more..Do we know when we need to rest, or do we think we are super human and can go on and on forever? I tend to think we believe that with enough determination and caffeine we can go on forever. v
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