March 9, 2024
Love Covers a Multitude of Sins
One thing is sure. They love you! No makeup. No power tie. No status jewelry. No layers of images. Just unkempt honesty.
Read more..One thing is sure. They love you! No makeup. No power tie. No status jewelry. No layers of images. Just unkempt honesty.
Read more..“love keeps no record of wrongs”. 1 Corinthians 13:5 Choose a relationship you treasure and focus on building it up through applying this Scripture to “keep no record of wrongs.”
Read more..Does “together” come easily for you? If so, thank God for this blessing. If not, ask the Spirit to reveal to you why.
Read more..Let those who boast boast in the Lord.” (2 Corinthians 10:17, (TNIV) Question: Are there situations where we feel superior to others? How can we guard against those kinds of feelings?
Read more..You may think you're strong enough to withstand Satan's enticements. But, when you repeatedly give in to temptation, you become what has become a habit. James 4: 7 “Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you."
Read more..A raging battle exists within every believer: our own sinful nature versus the desires of the Holy Spirit.
Read more..Some of us have postgraduate degrees from the University of Anxiety. We go to sleep worried that we won’t wake up.
Read more..How do we find ourselves at the right place at the right time?
Read more..Trust in God alone and you will never get off course.
Read more..Conflict may be difficult, but good can come of it. Conflict is a part of life, and good-meaning people rub each other the wrong way routinely. The question is how we will deal with it — either destructively or constructively?
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