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Tag: joy

June 28, 2023

God is at Work in Us

It took prison to show me how empty life is without God.”

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June 26, 2023

Freedom Reigns in This Place

One of the most incredible things God gives us is the gift of freedom. He lifts the burden of sin and the wages of death and He sets us free.

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June 24, 2023

God Helps Us Pray

Why do we sometimes feel as if our prayers go no farther than the ceiling? We’re speaking, but is God listening? The truth is that the Lord is always attentive to the prayers of His people.

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June 24, 2023

Persistent Prayer

God hears your prayers, my friend! No matter what the circumstance is—Matthew 21:22 says, “And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”

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June 22, 2023

For Me or For Him?

We delude ourselves into thinking that our quiet times are primarily for our own benefit. We are intellectually aware that God is always with us, that His eye is not only on the sparrow but on each of us.

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June 18, 2023

What My Dad did Right

During my teen years, I tended to focus on what I thought my dad did wrong. Now adays I find myself reflecting more and more on what my dad did right,

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June 17, 2023

When You’re Waiting for the Impossible

"Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?” Jeremiah 32:27

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June 15, 2023

The Mercy of the Lord

Psalm 52:8 "I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever." A devotional focusing on the different aspects of what God's mercy is.

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June 14, 2023

He is Out to Destroy You

John 10:10 “The thief’s purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness”

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June 9, 2023


The people we know will come and go during different seasons throughout our lives. But God remains forever. He is the first and the last.

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