September 9, 2021
Journey Through
Where are you at in your journey? How are you turning your valley into a place of springs?
Read more..Where are you at in your journey? How are you turning your valley into a place of springs?
Read more..You and I don’t have the responsibility of making decisions that will affect world peace or war, but Jesus did provide the possibility for us to have inner peace and He wants us to do whatever we can to make peace with those around us.
Read more..All the promised blessings in the world cannot make a believer follow God into some frightening places. But that’s where love for our Father comes in, as it compels us toward obedience no matter what is at stake.
Read more..Whatever your specific need is, you will likely find a promise about it in the Bible.
Read more..Dear LORD, as we come to you, listening for your still, small voice, we ask that you help us also to listen for the silent voices of others so that we may bring your love and comfort to them.
Read more..C.S. Lewis once said, “Christ wants a child’s heart, but a grown-up’s head.” Simply put, we must love Christ unconditionally while continuously learning about and sharing his love with others.
Read more..As long as the world is here and as long as you are in it, you can be absolutely, positively certain that He is with you. Jesus is with you!
Read more..Release your hold on your life and throw the door open on the dynamic of God's will for your future.
Read more..What comes out of our mouths when we are bumped? What a testimony it is when, instead of anger, out come words of faith and blessing.
Read more..If your God is Mighty enough to ignite the sun, could it be that He is mighty enough to light your path?
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