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Tag: joy

April 5, 2020

Shine Like the Sun

May we never underestimate the power of a glowing face that stems from time spent with God.

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March 26, 2020

Never Alone

Underline these words: You are not alone. Your family my turn against you, but God won’t. Your friends may betray you, but God won’t.You may feel alone in the wilderness, but you are not. He is with you.

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March 24, 2020

The Treasure of His Presence

Our Lord desperately wants you to present whatever is on your mind to Him so He can become more present in your life.  Like a gift tucked way under the Christmas tree, what He wishes to give you may at first seem out of view, but if you seek it, you will find, right there, with your name written on it…just for you so you know He cares.

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March 21, 2020

Beginning Again

As we grow toward spiritual maturity, as we are being transformed through the renewing of our minds and obedience to the whispers of the Holy Spirit, may we always have the fresh attitude of beginning. Again.

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March 16, 2020

To Whom are You Listening?

Lord Jesus, how often we are fooled by the enemy and listen to his accusations, rather than to Your words of Life. We want to be like You, Jesus. We want to speak words of Life into people’s lives. Thank you for helping us. Amen.

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March 11, 2020

When the Sparkle Goes

Scripture reminds us that it is also possible to lose our “first love” for the Lord.  In fact, it is more than possible—it’s inevitable—unless one is careful to keep looking to God and His Word rather than to embrace the ceaseless changes that swirl around us.

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March 9, 2020

Healing Words from a Dialogue with God

John Piper says, "God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in Him." Will you find your well of satisfaction, your fountain of life, in Him?

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March 7, 2020

The Balanced Life

Sometimes God gives us enough difficulties to help us appreciate the joys of life. He gives us the hard times so that we may enjoy the good ones. Times of trouble are times for spiritual growth.

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March 2, 2020

Love Always Protects

God has clothed us. He protects us with a cloak of love. Can you look back over your life and see instances of God's protection? I can too.

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March 1, 2020

Lavished with Kindness

Lavished! With God’s grace! What an amazing word picture! You and I, right where we walk today, are being showered with the loving kindness of our great God. He is pouring out His unconditional love over us. He is heaping tremendous, overwhelming favor on us.

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