October 10, 2017
In God’s Hands
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that
Read more..“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that
Read more..This week when you read your Bible and pray, let your heart be soft toward the words of God. As He pokes His finger into each hard area, listen to His instructions, and rely on the Spirit's power to help you yield and obey. Let Him shape you into a beautiful and useful vessel.
Read more..Be blessed as you let your Vine dresser take you through the process to be fruitful.
Read more..“What is the price of five sparrows? A couple of pennies? Yet God does not
Read more..Dad never said a word. But he did show up. He did listen up. That's what your Father God does. His presence may be quiet, but he'll show up. And he'll listen.
Read more..To every child of God today… For a little while Just let it soak in
Read more..If you carry wounds within your soul that keep love at bay in your life, talk to a mentor who will pray with you. Jesus can bring healing, hope and a fresh display of His love through you.
Read more..It is not about how gifted And Anointed you are. It is not about demons
Read more..When we focus on God and all He is, our perspective changes, our faith grows and peace begins to settle over our bankrupt souls as we look to Him. Thankfulness begins to flow in the place where desperation resided.
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