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Tag: mercy

January 28, 2024

From the Eyes of God

Do you judge by the standards you have been taught or do you turn to God, and seek understanding from Him? Do you see with your eyes, or with God’s eyes?

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January 27, 2024

Infinite Forgiveness

Salvation is instantaneous, but discipleship is a lifelong journey. We will need each other’s encouragement—and the grace and mercy of God—as we learn to forgive the way Jesus taught us.

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January 27, 2024


The way we forgive people who have deeply hurt us is nowhere close to the forgiveness with which God forgives us. Colossians 3:12b-13 teaches us to put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness...

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January 26, 2024

Life’s Uncertainty Teaches God Can be Trusted

Strong verses to focus on during times of uncertainty. If we will allow it, our circumstances drive us deeper into the heart of God

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January 22, 2024

Love Them Anyway

When we are drawn into the family of God we are connected, one to another. We will not be defined by our differences but by our shared love for God.

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January 21, 2024

Choosing to Forgive

Choosing to Forgive: Now as new creations in Christ who are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, we have His power to truly let go of the wrongs done to us and extend mercy to others, just as God has given mercy to us.

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January 21, 2024

Overlook an Offence

When someone sins against us, our flesh rises up and demands retribution. But the way of grace must watch over our hearts, guard our mouths, and release the offender.

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January 20, 2024

How Great is our God

The unfathomable love of the Savior's heart is all ours! All the characteristics of Christ, as God and man, are open to us.

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January 19, 2024

Back to the Basics

Question: Do we let our earthly challenges blur our vision of the basics of our faith? We too need to get back to the basics of the Christian faith.

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January 18, 2024

Open Windows

Reading through the gospels, it is amazing to discover the number of times the phrase “Jesus saw” occurs.

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