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Tag: refuge

January 23, 2020

Ugly to Beautiful

Look at what God does in nature:  He changes an unsightly caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly and an "ugly duckling" into a magnificent swan.

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January 22, 2020

Beautiful, Broken Jar of Clay

Be encouraged that even if you are facing hard times, God has a plan for your life.  He can and will use your weakness and fragility for His glory.  Whether your clay jar is being tested or retired to the back of cabinet like my old piece of pottery, spread the inner dwelling Good News  right where you are today.

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January 19, 2020

Be Spirit-Led

Father so often we take for granted the tools you have given us to help us live a holy life that is pleasing to you. I pray that we will begin to examine our own ways, our motives, our thoughts and our desires.

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January 18, 2020

Rejoice in Hope

You bring a hope to my heart that will not be dashed upon the rocks of broken covenants, unintended assurances, or misguided intentions. My hope is secure in the character of Your faithfulness. It will not be disappointed, but will see its final reward.

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January 11, 2020

Underneath: Everlasting Arms

Susan was broken-hearted. She had just lost her first child at birth. The trauma of that experience had affected her relationship with her husband and with everyone else around her. She had become cynical and moody. She blamed God

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January 8, 2020

Slow Down: Work in Progress

Often we are impatient with the speed with which God works. Christ followers are taught that spiritual growth is a lifetime affair.

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January 8, 2020


Overloaded people fail. Like an airplane, we can only carry a certain amount of weight. How else can we soar like the eagle?

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January 6, 2020


I sit and I watch in awe, in wonder at the works of Your hands. It’s so majestic, yet so refreshing all in the same breath. Your power so quaint yet well-defined with each wave. You have taken me captive. I can’t seem to pull away.

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January 5, 2020

The Trouble with Circumstances

Today, I fought discouragement because I looked at me - instead of God. I looked at my circumstances instead of looking at Him. But then, I fixed my gaze on Him and by the time evening fell - discouragement had also fallen away.

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December 18, 2019

A Baby Changes Everything

A baby, her BABY would change EVERYTHING! "And while they were there, the time came for her baby to be born. She gave birth to her first child, a son.

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