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Tag: refuge

December 11, 2019

God Is Present

‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest” (Exodus 33:14). In all of life’s challenges, God gives us the one thing we need the most:His Presence.

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December 10, 2019

The Candle of Hope

Questions: How do you feel going into this Christmas season? Excited? Scared? Joyful? Lonely? Worried or delighted? How will you invite God’s hope into your situation?

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December 7, 2019

Place of Rest

When I try to figure things out all on my own it seems like it becomes more complicated with each angle I attempt to analyze and fix. When I admit it’s not mine to figure out and leave it in God’s hands, a sigh of relief escapes and peace envelops me.

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December 6, 2019

Not My Agenda, but God’s Agenda

Mary lived an ordinary life in a small town in northern Israel. She lived her life in relative obscurity, yet the world has celebrated her obedience to God for over two thousand years.

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December 3, 2019

Learning to Cast

Casting my anxiety on God will take practice. Instead of discouragement when we find ourselves worrying about the same thing we have given over to God, we simply do it again knowing that our wise and gracious Father understands that we are novices.

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November 29, 2019

The Purpose of Pruning

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, ....he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.”

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November 27, 2019

The Supernatural Power of God’s Love

Think of it! Christ’s forgiveness is so great and compassionate that He will not allow anything or anyone to condemn us or separate us from His supernatural love.

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November 23, 2019

Facing the Lions

Thank You, God, that You grow me in my capacity and strength to face the challenges of every day. I bring my lions to You right now and I ask for the confidence and strength to conquer these new challenges. Remind me of what You have already brought me through successfully. Amen.

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November 22, 2019

A Beautiful Circle

Lord God, Today I choose to guard my heart by turning my focus to You and rejoicing in all You are to me. Today I choose to be aware of Your constant presence with me and to allow that to impact my responses with a gentleness of spirit.

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November 20, 2019

Bring Your Anxieties to God

As we spend time in the Scriptures, we increasingly see from God’s perspective. Then our prayers will be focused on what He wills rather than on what we want. Through this kind of prayer, our spiritual needs are met, and we can set aside anxiety to live in complete trust in the Lord.

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