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Tag: refuge

November 17, 2019

Right Us Again

You shouldn't struggle on your own because, like a sheep, most likely it will be beyond your capability to get right again no matter how hard you try. Press the call button and seek out the Shepherd. He will have compassion and help you get on your feet again, or carry you until you’re strong enough to do so.

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November 17, 2019

God Knows Us by Name

We need a shepherd. We need a shepherd to care for us and to guide us. And we have one. ONE who knows us by name.

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November 16, 2019

God’s Design

God's pattern is:  spirit, soul, body - in that order. Yet most of us live our lives in the opposite, leading from our bodily appetites and soul satisfactions.

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November 15, 2019

Hitting Rock Bottom

People “hit rock bottom” when they reach the lowest point of their lives and realize they have nothing else to lose. For some, it’s the only place they can clearly see themselves and their situation and understand how much they need God’s love and mercy to pull out of the rocky pit.

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November 11, 2019

Are You Drifting?

Protecting our relationship with God is possible, but it requires purposeful attention to our spiritual life. It requires more than daily quiet time, church attendance and the like. Here are some suggestions to protect against spiritual drift:

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November 9, 2019

My Foot is Slipping

“When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your love, O Lord, supported me. When anxiety

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November 8, 2019

Believe and Love

God gives us gifts and talents to use for His glory. But the biggest influence we might have for the kingdom of God is seeking Him with all of our hearts and serving the people who surround us.

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November 7, 2019

Called Out of Darkness

It’s pretty amazing that, as Jesus followers, we have been called out of darkness. Yet what does that actually mean when darkness seems to cast it’s shadow all around us? How do we escape it when discouragement tugs at our own coattails?

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November 5, 2019

Pruned for Purpose

Dear Father, you promise in your word to prune branches that don’t bear fruit. I ask you to humbly search me and see if there are barren branches. I give you permission to do whatever is necessary that I may bear lasting fruit for your glory. Amen.

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November 3, 2019

Help for Hard Times

Thought: At all times of difficulty in my life - spiritual, material, physical - I will look for God's hand of blessing in the joyful assurance that He cares for me.

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