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Thank you

Thank you for filling out the form and either letting us know that you prayed the suggested prayer or sent your questions or comments.

We value your response.

If you sent us a question we’ll do our best to answer it.

If you prayed the prayer to start a relationship with Jesus we’d like to share the following resources with you to help you get a strong start in this new journey.

If you have a Bible, we suggest you start with reading the book of John in the New Testament. After that, we recommend reading the New Testament books before delving into the Old Testament which contains mostly history and is much heavier reading for a person that is new on this journey.

The following is an article called ‘How to be Sure I am a Christian‘ and it explains some of the basic information of Christianity.

There are also some great studies in this section of our website called Bible studies.

Here are some LINKS that you may also find helpful:

Daily Devotionals

Subscribe to our Daily Devotionals – many formats

What about the Holy Spirit?

ONLINE Churches:

  1. Hillsong Church/Brian Houston, based in Australia is an online church with online sermons, reading materials, music and much, much more. Here is a sample of their church service on
  2. Axis Online Church:


Praise and Worship Music


May God bless you abundantly as you begin this journey of getting to know him.