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Thoughts By Alec Niemi

December 17, 2016

Gift Exchange

Christmas Devotional about Jesus Exchanging his Life for Ours. Ephesians 3. The true gift exchange is what Christmas is all about.

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July 29, 2016

Bear Much Fruit

We are called to be part of God's orchard. And as we stay on track with His desire & design we will be fruitful. And of course He prunes us & waters us too

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July 16, 2016

Prayer, First or Last Resort?

#DailyDevotional PRAYER, FIRST OR LAST RESORT? Isn't it just like prayer? We try everything else first instead of praying first.

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May 25, 2016

Heart Pierced for Christ

According to the Old Testament a Hebrew servant (or slave) was to be freed after

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April 3, 2016

Was Blind but Now I See – Acts 9

The ninth chapter of the book of Acts tells the story of Saul’s conversion. In

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March 2, 2016

Cast All Your Cares

Down, dejected, depressed, determined to carry the weight of the world upon himself, he expressed

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January 30, 2016

Missed Opportunity

Do you have missed opportunities in your life that you would like to make right?

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April 16, 2015

The Beginning and the End

“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, who is, and was,

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October 31, 2014

So Busy

We had two cats. A few weeks ago one disappeared. Hopefully, to another good home

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June 29, 2014

Fear Not

The most common fear of all man is rejection. The converse of that is man’s

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