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Thoughts By Men

April 25, 2024

Prayer at the Worst of Times

If you’re having a rough day today, just open your mouth and tell God one thing you love about him.

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April 24, 2024

The Small Stuff

God doesn’t need our praise, He doesn’t need our good works, and He doesn’t need to be validated for a job well done.

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April 23, 2024


We are free either to love God or not. He invites us to love Him.  He urges us to love Him.  He came that we might love Him. 

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April 22, 2024

The Bible as Fiction?

The Bible is the true and reliable Word of God, written for us that we all might be saved, even the forty-eight percent who consider it to be fiction.

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April 21, 2024

The Best Word of Encouragement

Are you lost for words when comforting a friend? Yes, just one word about the One Who is the Word: “Jesus.”

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April 20, 2024

The Plans I Have for You

"I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

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April 19, 2024


Confession!  It’s a word that conjures up many images—some not so positive.

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April 18, 2024

When Burdens Seem Unbearable

Stop and look up to your heavenly Father. Remember a time when God carried you through hard circumstances, and rejoice in His steadfast faithfulness.

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April 17, 2024

God’s Word Gives Joy and Light

God's Word is the most important book ever written, and the most important book that I could possibly read.

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April 16, 2024

Embrace the Rain

Is there anything in the circumstances of your life that you are struggling to embrace?

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