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Tag: comfort

September 9, 2018

The Lord is My Shepherd

I started a 40-day fast, abstaining from spending, acquiring and shopping. Thankfully my husband eagerly accepted the challenge to shop for groceries and necessities.

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September 9, 2018

We Like Sheep

We need a shepherd to care for us and to guide us. And Jesus is that Good Shepherd. The Shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep. The Shepherd who protects, provides, and possesses his sheep. The Psalmist says: The Lord is my shepherd! The imagery is carried over to the New Testament as Jesus is called the good shepherd of the sheep!

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September 8, 2018

God Uses Our Suffering

Life is full of trouble. But in the hands of a loving God, our suffering is being used for eternal purposes.

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September 8, 2018

The Strap

Dearest Lord, let us strap ourselves to you. Anchor us in faith and help us to cling to your love, no matter what swirls around us.

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August 26, 2018


God prunes us for His purpose and His glory, and when we turn to Him with our disappointment, exhaustion, sadness, and even our anger, He comforts us with love and compassion

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August 16, 2018

Let it Go

Each day provides plentiful opportunities to take offense. A friend ignores you, a stranger rudely takes advantage of you, a family member speaks unkindly to you. But, we can choose how we respond. Covering an offense costs us.

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July 4, 2018

Costly Conversion

The story of what it cost one young man when he decided to follow Jesus. What are you willing to sacrifice for your faith in Jesus?

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June 30, 2018

God’s Grace

Grace is not a result of man's sinlessness.Grace: is God's Righteousness at Christ’s expense. Ephesians 2:8 “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,”

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June 26, 2018

A New Heart

God is in the business of changing hearts. We would be wrong to think this change happens overnight. But we would be equally wrong to assume change never happens at all.

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June 4, 2018

Grace and Confidence

“The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie

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