September 15, 2021
Peace through Prayer
Anxiety splits us right down the middle, creating a double-minded thinker. “God’s peace ….. will keep your heart and minds in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:7
Read more..Anxiety splits us right down the middle, creating a double-minded thinker. “God’s peace ….. will keep your heart and minds in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:7
Read more..We, too, can endure hardship with joy in the Lord, who comforts and strengthens us through it and promises to bring us safely to glory.
Read more..2 years ago my husband was diagnosed with an extreme health condition, and instead of getting mad at God, I asked Him for help
Read more..Many received help from God, and it is certain He won’t fail you— never give up!
Read more..As long as Christ is in you, you can take Him anywhere you go!
Read more..What changing circumstances are you facing right now? How are you responding to those changes? Has fear gripped your heart?
Read more..When your heart has been shattered, it’s hard to make sense of all the broken pieces.
Read more..If Jesus was willing to use divine clout to solve a social faux pas, how much more would he be willing to intervene on the weightier matters of life?
Read more..Thank you, Father, that when you say “never will I forsake you,” you mean never. You are with me now.
Read more..Father, I thank You for being the God of every blessing, the fount of every
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