November 20, 2021
His Faithful Ones
God is committed to his people. He loves justice, and those who pursue it. He will not forget his people.
Read more..God is committed to his people. He loves justice, and those who pursue it. He will not forget his people.
Read more..No one gets a free pass, but we can believe this: one way or another, God's relief and deliverance will come.
Read more..In Psalm 23 He invites us to pitch our tent and camp on the fact that He is our Good Shepherd.
Read more..It is impossible, without Jesus to have true, lasting change that brings healing and restoration.
Read more..You know, we are the children of God. Who do we look like? Can people see Jesus in us?
Read more..If I have the mind of Jesus, why do I still think so much like me? Why do I still have the hang-ups of Max? Why do I still hate traffic jams?
Read more..When you seek the things eternal and set your mind on the things that are above you will be less stressed. Less anxious. Less swayed by emotional ups and downs. Calmer, more at peace, and joyful.
Read more..Who Is A God Like Ours? Who is a God like me, says the Lord.
Read more..“You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14
Read more..A Devotional recognizing how God Comforts us when we are wounded - inside and out.
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