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Tag: joy

May 8, 2019

Joy in Hard Times

If you are going through hardship, take heart. You are not alone my sister, my brother. There are faithful people around you that can relate and help you through it. All the while, God is working miracles in you and through you. From ashes to beauty is what He promises.

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May 5, 2019


I believe the reason some people burn out and leave full-time ministry is simply because they are not taking enough time to relax and enjoy the Lord.

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May 5, 2019

God’s Joy and Peace

Prayer: Great and Mighty God, bless me with greater trust that you are nearby and long to help. Dear Father, bless and empower me to be the person you want me to be.

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May 3, 2019

Heart and Breath

I may sound like a broken record in saying this. I state this often because

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April 30, 2019

When God Seems Too Big to Love

“If you have seen me, you have seen the Father.“  John 14:9 Dan’s earthly father

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April 14, 2019

God’s Blessings

As a Pastor I quite often get requests to bless many things including homes, babies,

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April 9, 2019

The Curmudgeon

Friend, listen to God’s still small voice.  Be God’s sunshine in your neighborhood!

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April 6, 2019

Things You Can Count On!

Things You Can Count On! There will always be a grace that is sufficient; a

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April 5, 2019

Miserable on the Mountain

When we sin, it may create a sense of alienation from God (and understandably so), but the days of actual separation are over. God is always ready to listen to our repentive prayers and to help us get back on track to where we’ll be full of joy

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April 5, 2019

There are Days

There are daysWhen all things neatly line up as they should.Then there are days when nothing lines up,When nothing fits or looks the wayIt seems that it should be.

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