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Tag: joy

February 23, 2019

You Will Rejoice

Once you and I truly experience the joy of the Lord, no one can rob us of that joy!

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February 20, 2019

Peace and the Holy Spirit

The peace Jesus gives is unlike anything the world calls peace. It is peace IN the turmoil of day-to-day living. It is a peace that steadies you and a calm that encases you even with life is not calm around you.

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February 20, 2019

The Holy Spirit: Giver of Gifts

Jesus Christ knew all about the human tendency to feel inadequate. That is why He assured His followers they would receive a Helper—the Holy Spirit—

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February 19, 2019

Hold Tight to Faith

When every step you take looks like a dark, foggy path And life feels like a constant uphill climb, It's easy to grow discouraged And think about giving up.

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February 8, 2019

God’s Good Gifts

Ever feel like you have nothing? Just look at the gifts [God] has given you: “Every good action and every perfect gift is from God.” James 1:17 (NCV)

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February 7, 2019

Treasures in Jars of Clay

God promises that the pure in heart will see Him. When He gave us His Spirit to live in us, this was our guarantee that He would keep His promise.

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February 2, 2019


The exhilaration that must be felt and the sense that you are capable of attempting anything in life must be a small part of what we feel when we have a God centred mountaintop experience.

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February 2, 2019

Maker of Heaven and Earth

In a world of startling beauty and a universe of dazzling diversity, our hearts are to be drawn back to the One who made it and now sustains it.

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January 31, 2019

Build Wisely

A house can represent a physical building, but it can also be a life, a marriage, a family, a ministry, or a business. It’s fundamental to focus on the reason for building this ”house.”

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January 31, 2019

Walking as He Walked

If we had His walk how would we be living? If we had His generosity how would we be giving? If we had His ears how would we be listening? If we had His heart how would be caring?

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