September 20, 2017
Look Again
Keep asking. Keep seeking. Keep knocking. Do not allow what you see in the natural to overrule what the Lord is doing behind the scenes. The Lord will reward your persistence.
Read more..Keep asking. Keep seeking. Keep knocking. Do not allow what you see in the natural to overrule what the Lord is doing behind the scenes. The Lord will reward your persistence.
Read more..“For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you
Read more..What does your presence bring to those you encounter? You can’t manage anyone’s responses to life except your own. However, paying attention to your own responses will help you think about what you are bringing to encounters you have with others.
Read more..In recent decades the phrase “easy believism” has surfaced. Unfortunately, it describes a large number
Read more..Some people have great moments of clarity that change their life, whilst for others these are but a moment's fancy that soon pass. Such are life's choices: to see or not; to have faith or to doubt; to believe or not.
Read more..To every child of God today… For a little while Just let it soak in
Read more..Time and time again in scripture we see how God chose the ones least likely to succeed. He chose the youngest, the ones with bad reputations, and the ones with physical limitations. In Gideon, he chose a very fearful man to lead an army.
Read more..Peace of mind and heart, is something we as humans seek every day of our lives. We have many different names for it, like happiness, or love, and even financial success. These things though, will not give us the peace we truly seek.
Read more..If you feel inadequate when it comes to fulfilling the mission of Christ, know that it’s normal to feel that way. We are simply vessels needing His power. That way God gets the glory.
Read more..“I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to
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