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Tag: joy

October 3, 2017

A Place Prepared for You

“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and

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September 29, 2017

Amazing Friendships

Paul explains how he became “all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.” Let us become weak to those who are weak, so that we may together become strong in the redeeming sacrifice and love of Christ!

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September 27, 2017

A Symphony to God’s Heart

Beloved, let us stay in agreement when we pray. Avoid strife at all costs. Whether our expression is one of weeping or rejoicing, warring or worship, our prayer of agreement can be symphonic to the listening heart of God.

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September 25, 2017

Every Last Corner

“Now, who will want to harm you if you are eager to do good? But

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September 20, 2017

Rest in the Shadow

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow

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September 20, 2017

Look Again

Keep asking. Keep seeking. Keep knocking. Do not allow what you see in the natural to overrule what the Lord is doing behind the scenes. The Lord will reward your persistence.

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September 14, 2017

Stop Talking!

“Be silent before the LORD, all humanity, for He is springing into action from His

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September 13, 2017

Behold the Lord Jesus

“For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you

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September 12, 2017

What Are You Bringing?

What does your presence bring to those you encounter? You can’t manage anyone’s responses to life except your own. However, paying attention to your own responses will help you think about what you are bringing to encounters you have with others.

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September 10, 2017

Lord Of All

In recent decades the phrase “easy believism” has surfaced. Unfortunately, it describes a large number

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