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Thoughts By Women

August 10, 2011

Run Away Child

by Katherine Kehler “Father, give me my share of the estate.”  Luke 15:12 I love

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August 9, 2011


by Marilyn Ehle “Because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and

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August 8, 2011

A Hebrew Christian Mother

by Vonette Bright “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My

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August 7, 2011

Forgive Again and Again

When Clay Crosse first admitted his sin to his wife Renee, she felt everything any normal woman would feel: anger, resentment, hurt; more anger. She was becoming closed to him. And every time he came to her with new information and a confession, it was like a fresh blow to a deep bruise.

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August 3, 2011

House of Prayer or Robbers Den

By Sylvia Gunter Jesus intends for His house to be a house of prayer, but

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August 2, 2011

Fruit in Season

by Gail Rodgers New kinds of fresh fruit began showing up on the grocery store

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July 25, 2011

Praying for You

By Vonette Bright “rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;” Romans 12:12

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July 18, 2011

Facing the Truth

by Vonette Bright “Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.” Colossians

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June 26, 2011

I AM a Ballerina!

by Marilyn Ehle “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily

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June 23, 2011


by Vonette Bright “This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have

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