July 2, 2022
This Vibrant Hope
This broken planet offers sorrows of every kind. After being hit over and over with tribulations, how easy it would be to lay down and give up!
Read more..This broken planet offers sorrows of every kind. After being hit over and over with tribulations, how easy it would be to lay down and give up!
Read more..You can have peace in the midst of the storms of life because you are not alone. You belong to God!
Read more..Your fear simply reveals a place where you aren’t yet trusting in Jesus. Don’t stay stuck in your fear,
Read more..Prayer: Guide me, Lord, in paths of righteousness for your name’s sake. When I walk in dark valleys, please help me to not fear. Thank you that you are with me — you correct and comfort me. Thank you for dealing with my enemies and providing what I need in times of trouble.
Read more..Where is God? Why has this happened? Was it something I did? Did God cause it, and if so, why?
Read more..It’s not every day that you find someone who will give you a second chance - much less someone who will give you a second chance every day. But in Jesus, Peter found both.
Read more..“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.’ Philippians 4:6
Read more..Where can we go to remain secure from the onslaught of bad ideas, evil influences, and false hopes? We can go to God and his Word.
Read more..Let us listen to the voice of the Shepherd who never speaks an uncaring word. Let us drink of the waters that quench our deepest thirst.
Read more..God is ...Able to do exceedingly beyond all your asking. Ephesians 3:20 ...Able to subdue everything under His control. Philippians 3:21 ...
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