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Making a Difference

Ways that you can Serve and Make a Difference

Getting Close to People

Love your Neighbor

How to be a Friend to an Immigrant

Extending Grace to Others

Love is Patient and Kind – a story of a man on a bus

Be Patient

Children – Teaching Children


Random Acts of Kindness it is amazing how random acts of kindness affect those around you.

Forgiveness is Good for your Health

The Way of Love – I Corinthians 13

Insights into Broken Relationships and what “the fellowship of his suffering” means.

Enhancing your Relationships– from a single woman’s perspective

19 Ways to Encourage Others

Encouraging Words – a story of how God used random people to encourage me during a hurtful week.

A Mentor’s Impact – the story of Bob Prall

Get Rid of Guilt – Getting rid of false guilt. Getting rid of real guilt.

Whatever you do…

Children – Raising children

Lies – Speaking the Truth or Speaking Lies

Be Patient. An example or impatience and prayer for patience.

Marvelous Love

Tell Others about Jesus

Caring Enough to Tell Others about Christ

Divine Appointments

PRINT this Gospel Presentation (How to Know God Personally) and share it with your non-Christian acquaintances

We are Christ’s Ambassadors

A Time to Dream

Conversation Starters to transition to Spiritual things

Come Alongside – what it looks like to come alongside of people while Jesus draws them closer.

Your Life is the Only Bible Some People Read

For Sale – a God given opportunity during the ‘showing’ of the home we were selling

Heart Fully Committed to Him

Are You Still a Fighter?

Unity What would it take to cause Christians to “make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace?”

What is the Father Saying to You?

Don’t Limit God

The Gentle Christian

Are YOU Ready?

Serving the Lord Wholeheartedly

Do What You Can!

The Generosity Habit

Try Tithing

Checking your Spiritual Compass

Do it for Jesus – a new perspective on raising funds for Christian ministry.

Leadership Articles

Building an Effective Team – this can apply to families, work, or volunteer groups.
Qualities of Mature Leadership
9 Principles for Effective Leadership – What I’ve Learned
Leadership Tips
Measurable Goals
Accomplishing your Dreams
Leaders need Jesus too


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